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Tips to survive the new 'norm'!

People around the world are navigating through their new ‘norm’. Working from home, not working at all (sadly), home-schooling their children, not being able to see their family and friends or pop out to their favourite café or bar.

How do we deal with all of these changes, our fears and anxiety whilst trying to juggle so many hats and give our all to them?

Here are some tips and advice we have learnt along the way that may help:

  • Stick to a routine (when working or not). Structure your day so that you can be productive and accountable. Once you tick things off your list you will feel a sense of achievement, which should help keep you motivated.

  • Those with children, remember that they are sponges and are missing all the simple things that we are, so give them plenty of love, hugs and kisses (quality family time is by far my favourite part of being in these times).

  • Exercise daily – getting out and walking daily, soaking in our surroundings has been a calming and an essential outlet. There are also a number of free workout videos on YouTube (Centr app is free for six weeks) and Sam Woods does a Facebook live Monday to Friday which is uploaded to Facebook.

  • Check in and ‘connect’ with family, friends and colleagues. We are lucky that we live in a world where apps like ‘zoom’, ‘skype’, ‘face-time’ or ‘house party’ are so accessible so that we can still see and talk to the faces we love and miss.

  • Don’t be afraid to reach out if you are struggling. If you don’t feel comfortable to speak to your family or friends, we are here. There are also many amazing resources including

  • Make time for the things that bring your joy (we know this is hard at the moment but oh so important). Whether it be reading, listening to a podcast, having a dance party, meditating, cooking, having a bubble bath – whatever makes you feel like you again! To the contrary, if something is making you feel more anxious or fearful – get rid of it (watching news etc).

  • Cut yourself some slack and be kind to yourself. These aren’t ‘normal’ times, we are in a global pandemic, a crisis, so we need to be realistic that we aren’t going to be at 100% all the time.

  • Practice gratitude. Even in the midst of a pandemic there is so much to be grateful for, thinking or talking about these things will help breed a positive mind-set.


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